A well-designed floorplan makes the best use of space, enhances functionality, and creates a harmonious flow within your home - we’ll help you get it right!

Floor plan review service

Renovations, extensions, new builds and multi-res.

We’re dedicated to discovering and refining the ideal floor plan for every project. Whether it’s an entire home or a single room or a specific functional area like a bathroom and laundry we can help you make the best use of space.

We can help you get the most out of your floor plan while it’s still on paper, we’ll highlight any challenges we foresee along with suggesting areas for improvement to the layout and design. Getting an independent floor plan review helps to avoid unexpected costs with changes later down the track, potential tear-outs or re builds after construction or worse, having to accept something that isn’t what you’d hoped for.

You bring your plans and your questions about spatial design and we’ll bring years of experience to your layout. Let’s work together to avoid regret, and help you get the best outcome with your floor plan before you go to construction.

You can use an eraser on the drafting table or a sledgehammer on the construction site.

Frank Lloyd Wright

How the process works


The process starts with an online briefing meeting to run through all of your concerns about your current plans and gain a clear understanding of what it is that you want from your spaces.

Prior to this meeting you’ll share with us your plans along with any other reference images, plans, links to Pinterest boards etc to help us understand what you are hoping to achieve.

Floor plan review

Now we get to work on reviewing the floor plans and re-working them to create smarter use of the available space along with unexpected additions, ‘must haves’ from your briefing meeting along with any extra value that we can find to add to your project.

We may come up with more than one option during this iterative process and check in with you as required in order to get the best outcome.


Once the floor plan is finalised, we will mark up your existing plan and draft a proposed new version. We will present this to you via a virtual meeting so we can talk you through our recommendations.

The floor plan we provide to you can be passed on to your builder, architect or another design to convey design intent and layout direction but is not a full set of construction drawings.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The cost of this service is based upon the size of the area to be reviewed. If you tell us the area that you wish to have reviewed we can give you a specific quote.

  • The floor plan does not need to be perfect. It can be a real estate plan, drawings by a draftsman or by another designer. If you don’t have access to any form of floor plan or would like us to design your floor plan from scratch, we can offer a drafting service to get your plans up to scratch and ready for your trades.

  • No worries! Let’ chat about what you need.

  • Yes, absolutely! Our floor plan review service is offered worldwide. We have worked with happy customers from Australia, Asia, Europe and beyond.

  • Our floorplan review is for layout purposes only, not for construction. You can consult with a draftsman or a local designer who can use the principles contained in our floor plan review drawings to guide the design or engage our team to draft full construction drawings for you (separate cost).

  • In the world of interior design and spatial planning we don’t need to physically see a space to design for it. Floor plans are our specialty and we can communicate clear design intent with just a proposed layout.

  • We are morep than happy to provide a second opinion on designs that have been done by others, be that architects, drafts people, interior designers, home owners themselves, builders and more. It’s not uncommon that clients get in touch with us because something in their current plan doesn’t feel quite right.

  • Our standard service takes up to 2 weeks from engagement to completed review. If you need it faster than this we can expedite the service for a fee.


  • One room - $1100

    This is great for a single room such as a bathroom or kitchen.

  • Up to 100sqm - $1500

    This is great for a small apartment or single floor within a larger home

  • Up to 200sqm - $2500

    This is best for a small home or larger apartment, or a full floor of a large home

  • Up to 300 sqm - $3500

    This is best for large apartments and medium sized homes.

  • More than 300sqm - POA

    If your floorplan is larger than 300sqm, please reach out for custom pricing.

New Builds

It’s not uncommon for clients to reach out with a completely new home design only to feel that something just isn’t quite right or they’re not sure that all of their needs have been heard/met.

The best time to review your floor plan is before you commence construction as changes down the track can be costly or worse, fixed and unchangeable resulting in you being disappointed in the build of your new home.

While builders are great at building, they aren’t necessarily focused on making the best possible use of space for your specific needs, family, goals and future growth. Our specialised experience means we can ensure your proposed floor plan is the best it can be for your new build both now and into the future as your life/family grows.


Do it once and do it right! Renovating is a costly experience and you want to make sure that your floor plan is going to make the most of your renovation along with limiting any unnecessary expenses due to poor design.